Fitness Friday!

Tomorrow I’ll do a recap of my juice cleanse, but for today – here are some great fitness related apps, photos, workouts, and links! 

Weight Training

The Nike+ Training App! Sorry men, it’s technically for women. I finally tried this after reading about it on other blogs and I love the 15 minute focus workouts, I haven’t tried the other longer ones yet, but I love that I can listen to music and hear all the instructions right through my headphones so I’m not stopping to read things constantly or need a place to set my phone. 

This great medicine ball workout – every gym has them and they are a great tool anyone can use because there are lots of weights to choose from! 



Yoga for Strong Legs! 

Pre-run hip opener yoga! 



I love Pumps & Iron’s idea of doing a half marathon all on her own – I definitely need to do that when I’m not training for a specific race. Check out her 8 week training plan and give it a try! 

How to get in outdoor workouts plus runs! Stairs are a great way to build strength and speed after or during a run! 


Mileage – 3 miles, Yoga for Runners 

QOD – Because weights.