Weight Loss Rights vs Wrongs

Apparently my hard drive crashed on Tuesday despite my computer screen showing that the hard drive was fine. It will be repaired FO FREE! but I won’t get it back until tomorrow afternoon – Oh the horror of being without my laptop for 2 days (that was sarcasm). 

One of my FAVORITE bloggers Monica over at Run, Eat, Repeat wrote this great post on concentrating on the rights of weight loss and healthy habits rather than the wrongs. I want to go run a race in California just so I can meet Monica – I seriously love her blog, all her advice, and her hilarious sense of humor. 

She encouraged people to think about the things they do right when it comes to weight loss rather than focusing the things that they might have messed up on. And she’s dead on in saying we love to focus on the negatives. My usual thoughts when it comes to my weight loss habits: 
“I didn’t work out hard enough today and I still got frozen yogurt. That was dumb. ” 
“I drank alcohol, there goes all my hard work” 
“I can’t eat any sweets until this weekend *proceeds to stare at the bag of chocolate chips meant for cookies and then fails and eats half the bag rather than a normal human portion*” 
“If I don’t count every calorie I won’t see progress” (when I miss one meal I fall off the bandwagon entirely) 

I know all of those thoughts are totally skewed. I love food, I think it is a great joy in life and a way of sharing culture, love, and community. However, I used to have a poor relationship with it because I abused it for a variety of reasons and ways. My relationship with food has finally gotten to a comfortable place for me over the past few months and I’m hoping to maintain that. So I’m going to share with you all the things that I think I do well when it comes to health and weight loss.  

1) I work out 5-6 days a week and I’m really proud of that because it means I’ve made it a priority in my ridiculous double master’s student schedule. 

2) I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I love citrus, berries, and apples and I even force feed myself 1 banana almost everyday. I choose to eat spaghetti squash and I actually crave lettuce and broccoli sometimes. 

3) I don’t drink any soda. I don’t like the taste of soda (except Ginger Ale which conveniently isn’t very popular so I never ask for it) and so I drink almost exclusively water and herbal teas

oh…and alcohol…  

4) I make 80% of what I eat myself. I’ve really tried to devote myself to the 80/20 clean eating and I can really feel the negative difference internally when I eat out or indulge too much.

5) I eat breakfast everyday, no exceptions. I think this has greatly reduced the binge meals in my life and especially stabilized my eating on the weekend when I tend to swap focus for fun. 

6) This doesn’t relate to food, but I wear facial moisturizer with SPF 15 sunscreen everyday and I feel good about protecting my skin from the sun. 

What are your healthy habits that you’re proud of?? Share them with me! 

Mileage – CG workout, foam roller 

QOD – Be positive, patient, and persistent. 


